Last Updated on 18 October, 2024 by Håkan Samuelsson
Vilket land röker mest i hela världen
Hur många röker i världen
Dessa länder röker mest i hela världen.
TOO many people use tobacco, hardly a new fact. But exactly how many people smoke where—as well as how old they are, how many cigarettes they smoke each day and at what the rate they quit—has remained somewhat blurry. A new study helps to change that. The World Health Organisation, America’s Centres for Disease Control and the Canadian Public Health Association created a new surveillance system to gather comparable data on tobacco use around the world. In the Lancet, Gary Giovino of the University of Buffalo reports the first results from the new survey. He and his colleagues examined adults (aged 15 and over) in the 14 poor and middle-income countries that account for most of the global disease burden from tobacco. He then compared the data with that from America and Britain. His findings are bleak.
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Men were much more likely to use tobacco than women—48.6% compared with 11.3%. The broad numbers mask some variation. In Egypt women barely smoke (just 0.5% do so daily) while female smokers in Poland puff through 15.5 cigarettes a day. By contrast, rates of cigarette use in India and Bangladesh are misleadingly low because both sexes favour smokeless tobacco and bidis (tobacco rolled in a tendu or temburni leaf). Most worryingly, women are starting to smoke younger. Eventually they may begin at the same age as the boys.
Daily chart: Puffed out | The Economist.
Andelen tobaksrökare i världens befolkning har minskat sedan 1990, men antalet rökare har ändå ökat, främst på grund av att vi blivit så många fler människor på jorden. Det visar en ny stor analys av data från 195 länder.
Studien visar också att även om minskningen av andelen rökare är glädjande så är rökning fortfarande en ledande riskfaktor för död och funktionsnedsättning världen över. 11,5 procent av dödsfallen i världen berodde år 2015 på rökning. Det är 6,4 miljoner dödsfall per år. Mer här.